Има две деца, а изгледа подобро денес отколку во 20-те години од животот – тајната е во овие 5 работи

43-годишната Белинда Нортон од Австралија е мајка на две деца. Таа преку својот Инстаграм профил ја покажала неверојатната трансформација на телото, а нејзините следбеници тврдат дека изгледа подобро во 40-те отколку во 20-те години од животот.
Белинда напорно работела за да ја постигне совршената фигура. Таа секојдневно излегува на прошетка која трае околу 30 минути, вежба тренинг за брзина и се труди да има што поздрава и поизбалансирана исхрана. Намирниците кои содржат конзерванси се забранети на нејзината листа.
“29 години и 43 години – што се променило? Многу нешта! Многу нешта во општеството, многу нешта во врските, многу нешта во медиумите и многу нешта во мене”, напишала мајката под фотографиите на кои можеме да видиме како изгледала порано, а како изгледа сега.


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The fact is this is not a transformation photo of physical characteristics even though I know it will be judged as BEFORE and AFTER . (Cue – hate mail; cue fat is fabulous …body shaming of all types etc) but thank you to those who comment who seek to understand and can be open to all differences. Ahh Maturity 🙏🏽 This is a photo of confidence characteristics & of internal health; posture; and mental wellness because I cannot cut myself open so you can see the truth. If I could – I would. ↪️I would share the absolute fear I had of success, the shame I held for giving up; I would share my mum guilt and hurt, I would share my traditional upbringing that we 70’s women had to quickly adapt to in a new world of thinking. I would share my personal uncertainty of how I could fit in a life around two kids and working full time as I had to work. I would share my fear of my husband cheating again, I would share my internal fight. I would endure the embarrassment of everyone knowing of the deceit. But could it be seen? No – because we hide that good stuff deep inside. We don’t want to share that. ▪️So here goes .. 29 years old vs 43 years old What changed? a lot! A lot in the society, a lot in relationships, a lot in media and a lot in me. The most important change is my confidence in my body & mind was getting up every day happy, energised, vibrant, going to the bathroom daily (to do number two) regularly and my mobility (zero pain from back/hip/knee or skin issues from eczema) ↪️It was ONLY five things I changed: Read the full details – www.blivewear.com ↪️But the key fact is: I’m the healthiest I’ve ever been- from the inside out. Why… because I chose to find my best health in the right food for me and the right fitness. It is not magic; it is not photoshop; it just me b. raw real & blissfully happy. b.x ↪️The full blog – ▪️The Raw and Real Transformation – click in bio – www.blivewear.com #blivewear #fitmama #transformation #healthy #squat #hitt #motherhood #womensfitness #40plus #fitspo #motivation #homeexercises

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“Најважната промена е постигнување на самодоверба. Кога секојдневно се будам со чувство на среќа, полна сум со енергија и имам зголемена подвижност на телото (без болки во грбот, колковите и колената). Најголемата промена се однесува на моето држење на телото”, истакнала Нортон.
Белинда потоа напишала листа на промени кои ги направила во своите доцни 20-ти години:
“Променив само 5 работи:


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Bringing it back to 2015 feels… except it’s 2020 covid style. This spot 5 years earlier (see IGSTORY) a lot has changed since that day. I think … I’ve found a better balance; learnt some hectic lessons; I’ve definitely softened around the edges body and soul; certainly added more laughter lines and I’ll never do a fitness competition because I still can’t ‘strike a pose’ without tripping – Clearly that will never change.😆↪️Stay Tuned more Fit Mama workout videos dropping this week! Don’t forget to tag me on your IGstory when you are doing yours 🙌🏽 share your best poses too! #cleoharper #blivewear #fitmama #healthy #hillruns #homeworkouts #author #incline #runner #activewear

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– секое утро 30-минутно шетање или трчање, во зависност од нивото на хормони. Тоа ми дава огромна енергија.
– консумирање само квалитетна храна која не содржи конзерванси.
– тренинг за брзина – 4 сесии неделно.
– правилно држење на телото.


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➕Positive Belinda vs ➖Negative Belinda In our life we have times when we are positive and negative. The negativity reflects outwardly. It shows in our whole being. We think we are hiding it; we think we are getting away with it and no one notices. But guess what everyone sees it and we feel it deeply. My being has been positive mostly but I have had times in my life where the negative took me over. The second picture says it all – My negativity about my life and my fears took me over, it still happens in some moments where fear jumps in. Until I dug myself out and picked myself up. Until I saw with my own eyes the very possibility that I had inside me all along. I started to be ‘me’ the whole me rather than the ‘me I was supposed to be’. I had told myself I am suppose to look like this; feel like this; act like this… until I believed it. All putting me in a sad state – uncertain and insecure. Even though I knew deep inside it didn’t fit. ➕The change in this picture is not just weight loss it is my health gain both physically, emotionally and mentally. We think it’s our appearance we need to fix but it’s our overall health that gives us the real YOU, the wonderful YOU, the best YOU, the ultimate YOU – the YOU have been searching for everyday. It’s all possible with a few simple habit changes. Mama you can do it! ➕For more details – www.blivewear.com ↪️Grab a copy of Fit Mama- the ultimate Mama guide to getting YOU and being in love with who you truly want to be. #fitmama #author #blogger #blivewear #fitness #health

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– позитивен поглед кон моите способности. Елиминирање на негативните мисли”.
Трудот на Белинда дефинитивно се исплател. Фитнес инфлуенсерката која ја следат 54.000 луѓе на Инстаграм секојдневно дели совети за слабеење, постигнување на витко тело и извајани мускули, но и позитивен начин на размислување. Многумина велат дека токму оваа жена претставува инспирација за нив и ги мотивира храбро да работат на остварување на своите цели.