Племе кое поради убавина трпи големи болки, но никој од нив не сака да се откаже од суровата традиција

Племето Каро има околу 2000 припадници, што го прави едно од најмалите племиња во долината на реката Омо, а можеби и во цела Етиопија. Сепак, други побројни племиња немаат толку стручни лица за сликарство и украсување на телото. Ова племе е посебно по својот дизајн на облека, а убавината е многу важен аспект од нивната култура. Толку важна што тие се подготвени да трпат голема болка за да бидат што е можно по уникатни. Покрај цртање на телото, членовите од племето намерно прават лузни на кожата, а за тоа имаат посебна техника. По сечењето на кожата, ставаат пепел во раната, така што раната ќе зарасне неправилно и ќе добие необична форма.


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Portrait of a Karo tribe adult. The Kara tribe are the close relatives of the Hammer tribes and they live in near by the banks of the Omo river at a panoramic view of lower Omo Valley. They are famous for body painting art using limestone signifying the daily morning news that every member brings to their gathering place from their respective villages and this practice is to protect their communities from cattle raiders . The best season for visiting the Kara tribes is from July -February. . . . . . Photo by @goethiopiatours . . #people_infinity_ #people_infinity #people_and_world #natgeoyourshot #natgeoyourshots #remotetravel #africa #african #africare #ethiopia #omovalley #omovalleytribes #majestic_earth_ #majestic_people #natgeo #humanity_shots_ #humanity_shots #remoteplaces #portraits_ig #ig_global_people #culture #worldpressphoto #travellingthroughtheworld #travel #travelphotography #omorivertribe #photographer #instagram #instatravel #karotribe

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Portrait of a Suri tribe young girl with the unique mark of the ear piercings. The woman start piercing the lower lip and the ears starting from the age of 15. The bigger the lip plate the more value it has for her family during her marriage as a dowry. The Suri are masters of the unique art of body painting from all the natural colors they get from their immediate surroundings. The painting styles are the product of inspirations from their surroundings as such plants, Wild animals, insects and birds. the best way to interact with them is to spend a couple of nights deep in their communal village and interact ; then you will definitely have meaningful photography! . . DM us for more experience in how to make your stays the best experience with Omo Valley Tribes. . . . Photo by @photographerjaynemclean . #people_infinity #people_and_world #natgeoyourshot #natgeoyourshots #remotetravel #africa #african #africare #ethiopia #omovalley #omovalleytribes #majestic_earth_ #majestic_people #natgeo #humanity_shots_ #humanity_shots #remoteplaces #portraits_ig #ig_global_people #culture #worldpressphoto #travellingthroughtheworld #travel #travelphotography #omovalleytribes #photographer #instagram #instatravel #africa #surmatribe

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Portrait of a Suri tribe young girl with a face painting. The Suri are masters of the unique art of body painting from all the natural colors they get from their immediate surroundings. The painting styles are the product of inspirations from their surroundings as such plants, Wild animals, insects and birds. the best way to interact with them is to spend a couple of nights deep in their communal village and interact ; then you will definitely have meaningful photography! . . DM us for more experience in how to make your stays the best experience with Omo Valley Tribes. . . . Photo by @dale_r_morris . . #people_infinity #people_and_world #natgeoyourshot #natgeoyourshots #remotetravel #africa #african #africare #ethiopia #omovalley #omovalleytribes #majestic_earth_ #majestic_people #natgeo #humanity_shots_ #humanity_shots #remoteplaces #portraits_ig #ig_global_people #culture #worldpressphoto #travellingthroughtheworld #travel #travelphotography #omovalleytribes #photographer #instagram #instatravel #africa #surmatribe

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Portrait of a Suri tribe women with a red sorghum on her head as a natural beautification! The Surma women start piercing their lower lip and ears to put a clay made circular plate from the age of adolescence. The beginning of the lip plate is a mark of adolescence and it signifies a greater honorable beauty for the women during marriage. The Suri are masters of the unique art of body painting from all the natural colors they get from their immediate surroundings. The painting styles are the product of inspirations from their surroundings as such plants, Wild animals, insects and birds. the best way to interact with them is to spend a couple of nights deep in their communal village and interact ; then you will definitely have meaningful photography! . . DM us for more experience in how to make your stays the best experience with Omo Valley Tribes. . . . Photo by @trevcole . . #people_infinity #people_and_world #natgeoyourshot #natgeoyourshots #remotetravel #africa #african #africare #ethiopia #omovalley #omovalleytribes #majestic_earth_ #majestic_people #natgeo #humanity_shots_ #humanity_shots #remoteplaces #portraits_ig #ig_global_people #culture #worldpressphoto #travellingthroughtheworld #travel #travelphotography #omovalleytribes #photographer #instagram #instatravel #africa #surmatribe

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