Ставила само две состојки во целофан и засекогаш се ослободила од целулитот на рацете!

Влогерката Фара Дукаи, е позната по тоа што често од обични намирници прави чуда. Така, уште еднаш одлучила да ги изненади сите жени во светот со еден добар трик – како целулитот да го снема за неколку минути.Таа смислила фантастичен трик од само три состојки – кафе, морски алги и целофан.
Алгите прелијте ги со млако кафе, а откако ќе помине митута, прекријте ги критичните делови и залепете со целофан (ова може да се користи и за други делови од телото).
Се тоа треба да стои 15 минути, а потоа кожата треба да се измие со ладна вода.
По недела дена од овој третман, кожата е целосно затегната…

HOW TO GET RID OF CELLULITE! who loves cookies? I LOVE me some cookies, cake and Popeyes Chicken BUTTT bad diet is something that can cause cellulite – try and eat as clean as you can 🙂 ALSO – everyone has some sort of cellulite, even supermodels so nothing to be self conscious about! HOWWWEVAAA if you’re a jigglypuff like me and you ride or die with junk food and youre looking for a quick fix.. heres what you gotta do to make it disappear. ALL YOU NEED: SEAWEED BREWED COFFEE (room temperature/cold) Soak seaweed in the coffee (it takes less than a minute) Apply the soft seaweed to the areas that you have cellulite (yes this can go on the thigh/hip area, as well as ur booty) Leave on for 15 minutes (itll feel a little cold and tingly) Wash off with cool water DO THIS for 1 WEEK EVERYDAY (my after shot is 1 week later which is why my shirt is different.. Cuz.. Yknaw.. Hygiene) Your skin will feel SO tight, smooth and dimple free 🙂 NO MORE COTTAGE CHEESE thighs or jigglypuffs WHY THIS WORKS! CAFFEINE in coffee tightens the skin and gives it a dose of antioxidants! It also pulls out extra “water weight” making the area appear slimmer WRAPPING the cellulite area is important .. it helps the SEAWEED to tighten, tone and firm the skin. It also improves circulation with vitamins and minerals, draws out extra water from the skin and gets rid of fat deposits! Try this body wrap out and notice the difference! A wrap like this costs OVER $100 at a spa to do ONCE- this cost ME LESS than $10 and you can do it multiple times! YESSSSSS for saving money for food and clothes SHARING IS CARING! TAG a friend who could secretly use this and LIKE this video!! help a sistaaa out Disclaimer: As with any skin care regimen, always do a test patch first to see if your skin is allergic to any of the ingredients. Everyone's skin is different, so result can vary from person to person. I can not vouch for any substitute ingredients. This post is provided for information and educational purposes. It is not designed or intended to constitute medical advice. Please discontinue use if your skin does not react well to the regimen.
A video posted by Farah D (@farahdhukai) on Sep 4, 2016 at 7:09pm PDT

Таа смислила фантастичен трик од само три состојки – кафе, морски алги и целофан.
Алгите прелијт

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