Еве што ми направи коронавирусот: Холивудска актерка ги шокираше фановите и им испрати порака

Холивудската актерка, Алиса Милано, на својот Инстаграм профил објави видео во кое ги покажа последиците од коронавирусот.
Имено, Алиса сними колку коса изгубила по само едно чешлање.


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Thought I’d show you what #Covid19 does to your hair. Please take this seriously. #WearADamnMask #LongHauler

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-Дозволете ми да ви покажам што прави на косата Ковид-19. Ве молам, сметајте го вирусот за сериозен и ставете ја проклетата маска, напиша таа под видеото.
Алиса кон крајот на минатата недела објави дека е заразена со коронавирус и се борела против болеста скоро четири месеци.


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This was me on April 2nd after being sick for 2 weeks. I had never been this kind of sick. Everything hurt. Loss of smell. It felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t keep food in me. I lost 9 pounds in 2 weeks. I was confused. Low grade fever. And the headaches were horrible. I basically had every Covid symptom. At the very end of march I took two covid19 tests and both were negative. I also took a covid antibody test (the finger prick test) after I was feeling a bit better. NEGATIVE. After living the last 4 months with lingering symptoms like, vertigo, stomach abnormalities, irregular periods, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, zero short term memory, and general malaise, I went and got an antibody test from a blood draw (not the finger prick) from a lab. I am POSITIVE for covid antibodies. I had Covid19. I just want you to be aware that our testing system is flawed and we don’t know the real numbers. I also want you to know, this illness is not a hoax. I thought I was dying. It felt like I was dying. I will be donating my plasma with hopes that I might save a life. Please take care of yourselves. Please wash your hands and wear a mask and social distance. I don’t want anyone to feel the way I felt. Be well. I love you all (well, maybe not the trolls. Just the kind people.)❤️

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-Мислев дека умирам. Никогаш не сум бил болна. Имав чувство дека слон ми седи на градите, објаснила актерката под фотографијата на која е приклучена на апарат за дишење.

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