Top searches of 2022 in Spain

Every minute millions of searches all over the world for various reasons, find a place to eat, find out a fact you didn’t know, do a job or just to find something fun. Since the arrival of the digital age, Google became the giant pioneer of this online systemwhere you can search for information on all imagined topics.

Top searches of 2022 in Spain

This year 2022the most popular searches have been shown by the Google company itself, who creates a list based on the activity of the users to corroborate the patterns of behaviour and be able to offer greater results. However, this top is divided into several categories to facilitate its filtering. This intrinsic nexus It reveals the interests together with the authority of certain most relevant brands by sectors. So this list helps both to know the positioning of the businessas to the curious who want to know what is the most sought after in our country.

In general terms, the most searched has been a very fun video game: Wordle, where the person must discover the hidden words. Then the second most popular search has been the topic of Ukraine and his war with Russia. Regarding sport, we find eurobasketball and our icons in tennis: Rafael nadal and Carlos alcaraz. In well-known people on stage, stand out Tamara Falco and Will Smithwhile the most worrisome problems have been infections by monkeypox and climate change, just like him price of light waves strikes of transportation. Finally, the top programs are Secret Story, Survivors and Uncharted.

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